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Adderbury Parish Council Statement on Projects for Parish Poll Questions

Posted 258 weeks ago (09/05) by Theresa Goss

Adderbury Parish Council Statement on Projects for Parish Poll Questions 

Traffic calming

This is an important issue for much of the village. Traffic calming is not a responsibility of Adderbury Parish Council (APC) but is dealt with by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). However, APC has achieved a lot of measures in the past, by liaising with OCC. These include six Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) plus gates and road markings at village entrances. Recently, APC worked with OCC to improve the timings at the traffic lights and this should come into effect later this year.  The timings will change by adjusting accordingly to measures of traffic queues which should alleviate rat-running problems in Twyford. APC has funded OCC surveys on all major roads which have informed the traffic calming discussions. APC has liaised with the school and OCC to achieve the very recent road lines markings to improve parking.

So far APC has not requested OCC to perform a consultation because it will cost around £12,500 of the current £30,000 available.  APC’s Environment Committee is currently working closely with OCC officers to develop a plan for traffic calming throughout the village. This is focussed on five key areas: Oxford Road, Twyford Road, Berry Hill Road through to the Milton Road; Aynho Road; Banbury Road/Twyford Gardens.

The Committee aims to achieve effective traffic calming throughout the village. One proposal is a Community Speed Watch camera, operated by volunteers which can be moved around the village. The vehicle registrations of speeding drivers will be reported to the police who will then follow them up.

The Committee is also exploring the possibility of closing off one of the entrances to the village at the Oak Tree Corner to prevent cars swinging round and into the village at speed.

New Sports Pitches and a Community Hall at Milton Rd

This is an important project to create new facilities for the village and improve what is available in the Lucy Plackett Playing Field.

There has already been wide consultation on this and residents supported the project at the 2016 Parish Poll by a large majority.  The Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan, approved by a village referendum, also supports this development (Policy AD18).

Following this public support, APC has obtained planning permission for change of use to Sport, Recreation and Community use for the land on Milton Road and there are plans to prepare the pitch area as soon as possible.


The Working For Adderbury Community group (WFAC) is working closely with APC on this project. They have developed concept plans for the new building, based on surveys of the potential users. This was shown at the Annual Parish meeting (16-Apl-19) and was received favourably.


This project will cost around £2 million. There are funds available towards this project under the Section 106 legal agreements which come from recent housing developments in Adderbury, but most of the funding will come from grant applications from bodies like the Lottery and Sport England and from fund raising events run by the WFAC.


The Parish Council is not a signatory to these Sec 106 agreements and has no power to vary them. Varying an agreement is very rare and needs the agreement of all those who sign them, like Cherwell District Council. At its meeting on 27-Nov-18, APC confirmed its commitment that all of the Sec 106 funds allocated to the Milton Road project, are spent on that project.


Find Out About these Two Parish Council Projects

There will be a display about both of these projects in the Institute on Saturday 11-May-19 from 5pm to 8pm., based on the information which was shown at the Annual Parish Meeting.

Authorised for publication by APC Minute 157/18 (iii)


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